Daily how to maintain the safety of the tire
Such as the foot, the tire has a pivotal role, not only to bear the heavy load, but also in the face of complex road conditions. It is one of the important guarantee of security, so to take care of, not only to often check, but also to learn to change their own in case of emergency. You still can't? Just follow bogr machinery Study hard!
Note: the tire side of the most vulnerable
It tires, tire is the most serious security risks, how to produce flat tire structure but also from the start. Experts: from the tire surface polishing can be seen on the graph, steel wire, rubber tire positive comparison by a layer by layer alternately bonded together and strong; and the front side of the tire structure, sidewall side is thin, no wire adhesion, but by the thin line adhesion, only there is a thick the wire inside, to play a supporting role of tire.
It is precisely because of the special structure of the tire, if the tire side was damaged badly repaired, most cases can only replace the new tires. If do repair, when the compression is prone to burst. Because the connection of the front and side tire is very thin, therefore, in most cases, tire is in this position. When the wheel is running at high speed, it will produce high temperature, and the height of the tire pressure will affect the change of the temperature. Tire pressure is insufficient and rapid speed, high temperature, easy to burst.
Bogr machinery to tell you some use of tire skills:
1 check if the tire tire, cut injury position in the side of the tire, severity can not be repaired, it needs new tires.
2 tire size cannot be changed arbitrarily, so to choose and match their car tires.